Tampering and reverse engineering android application is always been my favorite activity when i try to do android application pentesting. Using reverse engineering we would able to understand the nature of the application code and tampering is when you try to change the value of the runtime(at debugging state) and capable of change the code flow. in this blog post i will try to show how to use one of the old tool to do java debugging activity which is JDWP and for the testing app i will use insecurebankv2 application. luckily JDWP has already been pre installed inside the adb utility. But In order to use jdwp for tampering application, we should do at least couple of things: 1. First we need to know where is the application PID is in order for us to attach into the process. run ~# adb jdwp (don't execute your application first) run it again ~# adb jdwp (execute your application) as you can see from the the second picture the id 1309 is appear when we try to ...
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