Howdy, folks ! the following blog is the continuation of previous content, solving matasano with kotlin part 1 . In this post, i will talk about how to solve next two challenges in set 1 (challenge 3 to 4). Challenge 3: Description: The challenge expected us to create a program that crack a hex string that has been encrypted with single byte XOR. In order to solve this question you just need to reuse the code from challenge 2 and give some little bit of alteration. I try to design the UI really simple so you guys don't have difficulty following the code.The following is the snipped code to solve the challenge 3. Lets try to break it down so you guys know how this function work. First, in onCreate method i have button that ready to be trigger if its been pressed by user and once the user enter the string, it will get the input from the editText element and finally passed it to the solve_chal3 function now this where the real deal going to take a place. ...
Talk about Binary Analysis and Android Mobile security | I Create THINGS that Break THINGS :D